Head of Partnerships chairs ‘Schools Together Group’

When Head of Partnerships Christina Astin started her new role at King’s (after fourteen years teaching Physics at the school), she was keen to learn as much as possible from those doing similar jobs in other educational establishments. Finding that no forum for connecting with other Heads of Partnerships existed, and with encouragement from her counterparts in schools across the country, she set up a meeting. The Independent Schools Council (ISC) were enthusiastic about the idea and offered to host the event.

On April 27th 2016, nineteen people from eleven schools came together at the ISC headquarters in London to share ideas and discuss the challenges of independent-state school partnerships. Their job titles ranged from Outreach Coordinator to Director of Partnerships, but all had a common responsibility for running cross-sector partnerships in their local area. Christina chaired this inaugural meeting, at which it was decided to adopt the name "Schools Together Group," reflecting the website www.schoolstogether.org, which serves as a directory of cross-sector partnerships.

Christina says: "There is an increasing need for partnerships between state and independent schools and it’s great that we now have a forum to learn from each other about what works well. We certainly sensed some momentum and I think the group will become established with further meetings focusing on particular themes."