Ever since the Statutes of 1541, it has been the policy of the school to support pupils who have been unable to pay full fees. The Governors of the School continue to uphold this policy and are committed to broadening access by offering to eligible parents means-tested support with the payment of school fees.
Bursary support at all levels of up to 100% of full boarding fees may be available depending on the financial, compassionate or other circumstances of applicants.
All bursary awards are subject to annual testing of parental means and may be varied upward or downward depending on circumstances. Awards are assessed on the basis of a completed Statement of Financial Circumstances which is available from the Bursar.
Bursaries may be made available to parents or guardians of children in the Junior School but only in exceptional circumstances would a bursary be awarded to pupils below Year 7 entry (11+). Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Governors, and the Head and School Bursar are responsible for the management and coordination of the process.
The amount of a bursary award is not influenced by the academic ability of the child but by the extent of need. Each case is assessed on its own merits and awards are made accordingly, subject to the School’s ability to fund these within the context of its overall budget.
Bursary funds are limited and priority will be given to those likely to gain most from the educational provision. In normal circumstances each applicant should meet the School’s academic entrance requirements. The potential contribution of the candidate to the wider School community will also be taken into consideration, as will the likely impact of the award on the enhancement of the candidate’s educational opportunity.
Our Bursary Policy is available here – Bursary Policy
How to apply
To apply for a Bursary, applicants should Register and tick the relevant box in the Registration Form to indicate their interest in a Bursary.
The deadline for Bursary applications is 31 October in the year preceding entry.
It is necessary to register a prospective pupil for entry at an early stage in the admissions process in order to confirm your interest in a place. This can be done at any age and once a pupil is registered, parents will receive regular updates keeping them informed about the school. The registration fee is currently £200.
Travelling to King’s
Canterbury is exceptionally well connected to London and to the South East, as well as to the transport networks beyond.
We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to visit and to get a genuine feel for the school.