Nursery • Junior King's School, Canterbury
Join us for our upcoming Open Mornings.

Senior School – Saturday 21 September

Nursery & Pre-Prep – Friday 11 October

Junior School – Saturday 12 October

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Secret learning,
clear benefits.

Located in a charming, specially constructed barn, deep within the school grounds, our Nursery welcomes children from the age of three. The whole space is devoted to play-based learning; an ideal way to instil curiosity and to connect learning with wonder and enjoyment.

Our approach is also very much child-led – we put them at the centre of their own learning from day one, encouraging them to explore the world around them and satisfy their innate inquisitiveness.

“This is simply the best start in life you can give to your child. The facilities are fantastic but the staff make it a very very special environment for children.”

Former Nursery parent


Classrooms are kept neutral, calm, and clutter-free; but with every area set up for learning without the children being aware of it – we like to call this ‘secret learning’. When the weather is kind the beautiful barn doors can be opened wide to let the outside in, allowing the children to play in the Nursery garden.

In our Nursery, we accept Government Nursery Scheme Vouchers for 15 hours’ free entitlement. For further information on the Nursery Fees and how this Government initiative works at Junior King’s, please click below.

Find out more
Play Button


Pre-Prep begins with Reception at age 4 and ends with Year 2 at age 7.


Visit King’s

We would be delighted to welcome you and your family to visit and to get a genuine feel for the school.