Wherever life takes you and no matter what your connection to the school, you will always be part of King’s.

The King’s Association was established in September 2024 to bring together all members of the wider King’s community; current and former pupils (OKS), current and former parents, and current and former staff members. It exists to strengthen these connections through events, by sharing news and updates and by helping our community to link up with one another via the King’s Association website.

The King’s Association provides access to news, events and information about our community. For our pupils, it provides opportunities to benefit from the expertise and support of our wider network, while for parents, staff and OKS the King’s Association exists to foster a supportive and thriving community which gives everyone the chance to connect with the school and others in the wider network, fostering lifelong relationships and connection with the school.

We are delighted to launch a brand new website for members of The King’s Association: www.kings-association.co.uk By signing up, you will have access to:

  • All news and blog articles
  • Event booking
  • The community business directory
  • Our mentoring and career advisors
  • Connect and send messages to other members securely
  • Clubs based on sport interest, location and university
  • Photo galleries including our online collaborative photo archive
  • The Cantuarian archive – issues from 1890 to the present day

Our first event will be a breakfast networking event on Friday 11 October in London. Tickets can be booked The King’s Association website – all are welcome!

The King’s Association is managed and overseen by the Development Office (in close collaboration with parent ambassadors, staff and the OKS) who help to run a wide-ranging programme of events, communications and activities. For more information, please contact The Development Office team: community@kings-school.co.uk