Partnerships at King’s in 2023 continues to grow with ever-closer links with local and national schools. There are a few highlights already this half-term:
Primary breakfasts and activities – St John’s
We recently started our breakfasts with our local primary partner school, St John’s Church of England. Last Friday, Year 6 Meerkat Class visited King’s for breakfast (for staff and pupils, assisted by King’s pupil volunteers). In the final two weeks of this half term they returned for breakfast and Geology sessions in our specialist lab, focusing on volcanoes. In addition, a small group of Year 6 pupils attended weekly creative writing sessions in the cathedral grounds, hosted by our English department.
Local secondary school links
We welcomed a small group of pupils from Archbishop’s School to another ceramics session (seen above) at King’s: these are a popular activity and take place regularly thanks to our dedicated Art Department.
Other Events
King’s primary pupil partners: Our pupils continue to visit local primary schools each Wednesday during their activities afternoon to deliver language sessions and support to primary school pupils.
Saturday Smarties: this ever-popular programme restarts in November, with around fifty primary pupils attending 3 half-day sessions each over the year on a wide range of exciting and inspirational science topics.
Sounding Out: our flagship music-tuition programme works closely with partner primary schools to develop local classical musicians.
EKST (East Kent Schools Together): our local-schools network, with a range of pastoral activities offered throughout each term. King’s partnerships will offer various drama experience days at the Malthouse Theatre to local school groups through EKST, with our own pupils participating too.