We’re thrilled to welcome Alex Patton as our new Senior Deputy Head, who will oversee the day-to-day running of the senior school.

Alex’s appointment at King’s marks a very welcome return for him to a Cathedral environment. Growing up in Cornwall, he was a chorister at Truro Cathedral, then a choral scholar at Gloucester Cathedral during a gap year, and after that a choral and academic exhibitioner at Gonville and Caius College Cambridge from where he took a first in Geography. After beginning his career as a public policy consultant, he succumbed to the draw of teaching and spent five years at Sevenoaks School, teaching the IB, leading Cross Country running and the Duke of Edinburgh, supporting pupils applying to university, and latterly overseeing all Sixth Form admissions to the school.

In 2016 he moved to Brighton College as Head of Sixth Form and subsequently rose to be Deputy Headmaster in charge of academic staff and then pastoral care and safeguarding. He is particularly proud of having coached and nurtured several international athletes in that time, supported around two dozen successful pupil applications for Geography at Oxbridge, and recruited a significant number of highly qualified new graduates into the teaching profession. In August he relocated to Canterbury with his wife and two children, both of whom attend Junior Kings. He still attempts a dawn jog every day, enjoys music of all kinds, and can bore anyone if asked to talk about the geographical factors affecting wine production.

Please join us in wishing Alex a very warm welcome and wish him all the best in his new role at The King’s School.