Partnerships & Outreach • The King's School, Canterbury

Partnerships & Outreach

We have two overall objectives when it comes to partnerships: raising aspirations and widening horizons.

Pupils’ prospects are improved when schools collaborate to enrich teaching and learning. They also gain greater understanding by interacting with children from different backgrounds and learning beyond the curriculum.

This is why we are a member of EKST (East Kent Schools Together), an innovative independent and state school partnership in which each school contributes to and draws from the process equally. For pupils, it’s about meeting new people and learning new skills – with the ultimate aim of improving confidence, resilience, well-being and a sense of community.

Partnership initiatives include:

Saturday Smarties. A fun Science programme with more than twenty local state primary schools. Its main aim is to broaden pupils’ experiences of science in a lab setting.

Sounding Out. A classical music programme involving pupils from five partner primary schools. They have access to fully funded one-to-one lessons in the violin or trumpet each week, as well as masterclasses and concerts.

Masterclasses at our Malthouse Theatre. A series of performing arts workshops, activities and masterclasses.

Volunteering. Older King’s pupils volunteer at local primary schools to assist with language classes and reading. They also volunteer locally working with charities, supporting events, and generally being a positive presence in the wider community.

Saturday Smarties

King’s offers science masterclasses for Year 5 and 6 pupils from primary schools in and around Canterbury as part of its Canterbury Primary Science Partnership.


Sounding Out

In September 2019, we launched Sounding Out, a revolutionary programme to provide lessons in orchestral instruments, without the barrier of cost, to children at all the city primary schools in Canterbury.